Nov 16, 2009

Show News

We went to Barnsley at the weekend for a TICA show, it was Loretta first TICA show and she smashed all expectations! Loretta made 5 finals and was 2nd best kitten Twice!! and 4th best kitten, 8th and 9th best kitten. There was a high kitten count, so many kittens were been shown this weekend, so we were very proud of our Loretta!
Grabowsky, did great against some stiff competition and made 3 finals and was 7th best cat and twice 8th best cat!
Meg, my youngest daughter also has joined TICA junior showing and mentoring scheme, and they had to judge there own cat and talk about it as though they were the judge, so the children were judged on there knowledge of the cat they were showing, and I was also very proud of Meg as the judge awarded Meg the title of best junior showing!!! - well done Meg!

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