Sep 7, 2009

Booshka Is Now A FIFE Champion!!!!


I took Boo and Loretta to the FIFE show at Leeds yesterday and both girls had a great day!

I was hoping for a CAC for Boo, as she has 2 and need 3 for her Champion status, so It was fingers crossed, but Booshka excelled herself and not only received her Champion status, she also won Best In Verity!!!
Booshka came back with 5 rosettes, but not to be out done, Emerald Kingdom Loretta, at the tender age of 17 weeks, came 2nd All Breed Kitten!!
Loretta was also in a breeders class where there were cats and kittens of all ages and breeds, so we didnt expect anything in this class as she is so young, but she came 2nd again!!

The judges said Loretta was extremely promising and had a lovely coat colour its so warm, its very golden, although she is a Torbie. Loretta has a really unusual coat colour which I love, but it was nice to hear the judges thought the same.


Melanie said...

Congratulations!!!! You must be very proud :-)

Kind regards

Emerald Kingdom said...

Thanks Melanie, yes they both had a great day.
